Thursday, 29 October 2015

The most nutritionally dense food supplements in the world market today - Now available in Kenya

One of the most nutritionally dense food supplements in the world market today, C247 contains the most number of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients in one product. The ingredients of C247 work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

C247 introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, C247 supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™.

C24/7 is made from:
• 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
• 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
• 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
• 12 Different Mushrooms
• 5 Anti-Aging & Antioxidant Enhancer
• 4 Longevity Polyphenols

C247 contains daily essentials:
• Phyto-nutrients and Anti-oxidants
• Vitamins/Minerals/ Trace Minerals
• Whole Fruit Juice Blend
• Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
• Amino Acids
• Super Green foods/ Spirulina blend
• Mushrooms
• Digestive Enzymes
• Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
• Essential Fatty Acids
• Anti-Aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
• Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blends

C24/7 is now available in Kenya.
Need more information? Get in touch today on 0731 994 007 | 0716 827 625

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Finally Kenyans Can Savor and Enjoy Nature’s Goodness

MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the addition of great health benefits.
MyChoco is added to hot or cold water to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. When combined with hot water, it creates a layer of congealed choco and milk floating on top of the cup which some drinkers enjoy more.
Rich. Smooth. Refined classy. That’s how we describe MyChoco – a delightful new chocolate functional beverage. MyChoco, a chocolate healthy food drink made from premium cocoa blend is the fun healthy drink which is extremely tasty and makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting!
Legends from may cultures claim that consuming chocolate instills strength, health, faith and passion. Researchers have discovered that chemicals found in chocolate are beneficial to health.
MyChoco is perfect on-the-go indulgence for people who enjoy treating themselves. It is a refreshing beverage, blended with real chocolate, a touch of fruity flavour and made available any time!
Ingredients: Premium Cocoa Blend, Milk, Sugar, Alive! Mega- Nutritionals and DHA Powder.
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart disease and complications 
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin 
• Controls high-blood pressure 
• Prevents degenerative diseases such a Arthritis and Rheumatism 
• Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes 
• Prevents Parkinson’s Disease 
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune System 
• Detoxifies the Body 
• Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcohol intake 
• Rejuvenates the skin 
• Improves performance and endurance during exercise 
• Enhances concentration 
• Reduces fatigue 
• Heightens alertness 
• Relieves headache 
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration 
MyChoco is now available in Kenya.
Need more information? Get in touch today on 0718 071 098

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Fight Stress with Botanical Energizers

Stress is a feeling that we get when struggling to cope with the pressures of life.

Stress is part of everyday life and can be beneficial. But high levels over a long period can be seriously bad for our health.
• Do you find it a struggle to cope with the demands of everyday life?
• Do you feel like there is too much being demanded of you?
• Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to manage everything required of you?

OUR C24/7 will help you fight stress. We are introducing a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: 
- Daily essentials, 
- Botanical energizers
- System defenders that include anti-oxidants. 

Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, our supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™. As a cleanser, healer and energizer, they strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions.

The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today. C24/7 contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phytonutrients in one product. The ingredients in our product work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body.

Your Benefits 
- Increases energy and strength 
- Reduces fatigue 
- Enhances concentration 
- Heightens alertness 
- Improves performance and endurance during exercise 
- Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune System 
- Detoxifies the Body 
- Enhances sexual vitality 

- Rejuvenates the skin 

C24/7 is now available in Kenya.
Need more information? Get in touch today on 0718 071 098

Friday, 23 October 2015

Turning Ordinary People Into Extraordinary Millionaires

AIM Global is ranked top in the ongoing Top Direct Selling Companies In The World 2016 – Poll

AIM Global is now in Kenya. Contact us to learn more about this exciting business opportunity.

Get in touch today on 0718 071 098

Thursday, 22 October 2015

C24/7 Prevent & manage Diabetes with This Amazing Supplement

C24/7 is composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, our supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™. As a cleanser, healer and energizer, they strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions.
The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, Complete Phyto-Energizer contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phytonutrients in one product. The ingredients in our product work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body.
C24/7 is very effective against diabetes.
C24/7 is now available in Kenya.
Need more information? Get in touch today on 0718 071 098

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Savor and Enjoy Nature’s Goodness

Savor and Enjoy Nature’s Goodness! ENRICH your health with a delicious, functional, chocolate fruit replacement beverage that is beneficial for both kids and adults. Fortified with DHA, essential to mental, visual and neurological acuities needed for memory, concentration and focus.
MyChoco is the best health drink for kids and expecting mums. Fortified with 16,000 phyto-nutrients from Complete Phyto-Energizer for excellent nutritional support. Complete Phyto-Energizer provides you with more than 16,000 Phytonutrients, 29 Vitamins and Minerals, 18 Amino Acids, 12 Digestive Enzymes, 12 Specialty Nutrients, 10 Essential Fatty Acids.

Embrace your way to a mega-nutritional and fun-drinking habit that support your dietary needs for a stronger body and sharper mind.
•Boosts immune system for children
•Good for Memory enhancement
•Good for Brain development for infants
•Ideal for breastfeeding mums
•Reduces fatigue / Heightens alertness
•Protects against heart disease & complications
•Helps prevent cancer of any origin
•Controls high-blood pressure
•Prevents degenerative diseases such a Arthritis
•Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes 

MyChoco now available in Kenya.
Place your order today? Get in touch today on 0717 306 468